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Les Principes Fondamentaux sont, comme leur nom l'indique, les principes qui président au développement de Camelot Unchained, tels qu'énoncés par Mark Jacobs et Andrew Meggs. Les voici dans l'ordre de leur publication par City State Entertainment.

Principe Fondamental n°1[ | ]

Soyez prêt à prendre des risques

Publié : 7 février 2013

Résumé : Ce Principe Fondamental pose les bases de la philosophie de CSE pour tout le jeu.

  • Être prêt à prendre des risques
  • Ne pas chercher à faire un jeu pour tout le monde
  • Ne pas avoir peur de mettre en colère des clients potentiels
  • Ne pas faire comme les autres MMO, à moins que ce ne soit nécessaire

Principe Fondamental n°2[ | ]

Le RvR n’est pas le contenu final, c’est tout simplement le jeu !

Publié : 8 février 2013

Résumé : Ici, Mark explique pourquoi Camelot Unchained diffère tant des jeux dont le RvR/PvP est "plaqué sur" le jeu principal.

  • Jeu TriRealm (trois royaumes), orienté vers le RvR
  • Pas un jeu uniquement RvR, ni dont le RvR est une fonctionnalité additionnelle d'un système plus vaste
  • Le but est que les artisans soient la principale source d'équipement en ayant :
    • Aucun équipement "droppé" par les PNJs
    • Aucun équipement provenant de quêtes ou de tâches
    • Aucun jeton d'équipement
  • Progression par le combat, en aidant en RvR ou via l'artisanat(ps de progression PvE)
  • Carte ouverte en grande majorité
  • Options de voyage limitées
  • CC afin que les petits groupes aient une chance contre des plus grands

Principe Fondamental n°3[ | ]

Vous devez toujours tenir la main de vos enfants lorsque vous traversez une intersection chargée, mais...

Publié : 11 février 2013

Résumé : Here, Mark talks about the effect of too much "hand holding" in modern MMORPGs.

  • Bring back challenge by not showing how to do everything, or allow players to make mistakes etc.
  • Don't trade creative freedom to try to appeal to more subscribers
  • No risk, no reward w/ examples of the types of things they're looking to avoid:
    • Quest paths that basically do the quests for you
    • Auction houses
    • Readily available respecs, or constantly changing your build

Principe Fondamental n°4[ | ]

Votre choix est important !

Publié : 13 février 2013

Résumé : In this Foundational Principle, Mark talks about the importance of player choice. This is one of the big mantras of the game.

  • What your character does will effect not only their skills, but their stats as well
  • Remove absolute gear restrictions (although, practical ones will remain)
  • Freedom to make mistakes, by adding consquences to actions (like carrying too much stuff, or wearing metal as a lightning caster)
  • Meaning character creation choices with options that will have an effect in the game:

Principe Fondamental n°5[ | ]

Je n’aime toujours pas les Gold Sellers

Publié : 15 Februrary 2013

Résumé : Here, Mark talks about his "favorite people in the multiverse" (sarcasm), those people or companies who make money off the selling of gold in MMORPGs.

  • Hard line against gold sellers
  • Won't compromise game experience for extra subs that gold sellers would bring
  • Will not take money to turn a blind eye
  • The way the game is built will make it harder for gold sellers to get things to sell
  • Won't hesitate to ban if necessary

Principe Fondamental n°6[ | ]

Pierre, feuille, ciseaux ? Bien sûr !

Publié : 18 février 2013

Résumé : Here, Mark talks about the impact of Rock-Paper-Scissors mechanics in Camelot Unchained.

  • Better game for it's niche market
  • Non mirrored approach to the realms, races, and classes
  • Having each choice feel more unique
  • Realizing that it will be harder to balance, but makes for a better game

Principe Fondamental n°7[ | ]

L’artisanat devrait être fun, utile et ne pas déclencher de syndrome du canal carpien

Publié : 22 février 2013

Résumé : Here, Mark talks about the crafting system in Camelot Unchained and how it needs to avoid being too "old school."

  • Crafting only reliable way to get armor, weapons and most items
  • Cosmetic and low-level items may be obtained from venders
  • No "rare drops" from NPCs
  • Crafting will have it's own crafting class
  • Leveling system make it so someone can't just dump a bunch of money to get a top tier crafter instantly
  • Progressing in crafting won't require you to create large amounts of the same goods
  • Items break and decay over time, so keep the market fresh
  • Three tracks of crafting:
    • Journayman: some repairing, a few mundane items
    • Master: magical and most mundane items
    • Artisan: very powerful magical items
  • Possible co-op crafting

Principe Fondamental n°8[ | ]

Ça devrait être un jeu chaotique avec des surprises épiques à chaque tournant

Publié : 26 février 2013

Résumé : Here, Mark talks about random number generation, epic surprises, and other things to make a game feel more like a world.

  • Slight randomness to where you won't always know the outgcome
  • Strong critical hit/miss system
  • Have fun with very critical hit/misses
  • Such be random, and very rare to create "water coolor moments"
  • Randomness to the environment, either over time or due to by player effects

Principe Fondamental n°9[ | ]

La socialisation forcée était bien, puis mauvaise. Est-il temps de faire un retour en arrière ?

Publié : 28 février 2013

Résumé : Here, Mark revisits the concept of forced socialization.

  • Communicating to the player base, forming the larger community from the development of the game
  • Encourage server, realm and class pride
  • Encourage group play, and cooperation
  • Create economic dependency between combat and crafting class
  • Reward group cooperation

Principe Fondamental n°10[ | ]

De la fierté, de la fierté, partout de la fierté…

Publié : 7 mars 2013

Résumé : Here, Mark talks about the importance of the various types of pride in an MMORPG.

  • Help make realm pride by providing a realm that players can identify with
  • That every realm has their own goals, and neither of them are truly right or wrong; just different
  • Give racial pride by offering unique and interesting races
  • Non-mirrored class to help give class pride
  • Balancing that where all sides are complaining the other two are OP
  • Guild can get guildhalls, and encourage cooperation between guilds

Principe Fondamental n°11[ | ]

Les jeux Sandbox sont amusant pour les enfants mais aussi les adultes !

Publié : 13 mars 2013

Résumé : Here, Mark discusses what a sandbox game is, and whether Camelot Unchained is one of them.

  • Camelot Unchained is not a true sandbox MMORPG, therefore it's not going to call itself one
  • It will have sandbox elements though
  • It will have defined classes, but no restrictions in armor and weapon use inheritly
  • Eschewing of a lot of PvE to provide an open experience with no overlining script to follow
  • Players get the tools to help create their world

Principe Fondamental n°12[ | ]

La vitesse compte !

Publié : 25 mars 2013

Résumé : Here, Andrew talks about the importance of graphics, gameplay, and performance, and how they are interrelated.

  • Game will be built to support a large number of players in the same area
  • Smooth framerate for a lot of players more important then highest rate possible
  • The focus will be on smooth gameplay, rather then highly detailed graphics
  • Programmers and artists will be on the same page

Principe Fondamental n°13[ | ]

Quand le chaos fait « Booum! »

Publié : 28 mars 2013

Résumé : Here, Andrew talks about the role of randomness, craziness, and general chaos in a modern MMORPG.

  • Adding phsyics to gameplay to open up chaotic possibilities, like getting crushed by a broken wall.
  • Missed spells still exist, and couple other things.
  • Avoid grefing, but still allow for wildly fun results.

Principe Fondamental n°14[ | ]


Publié : 17 juillet 2013

Résumé : A very significant Foundational Principle. Here, Mark talks about his commitment to the way City State Entertainment will treat its Backers and future players. This is considered a must-read, on many levels.

  1. We will never lie to you, ever.
  2. We will remain responsive to you through our forums and Customer Service for as long as the game is running.
  3. We will fight Gold Sellers/Power Leveling services within our game from day one.
  4. We will stay in touch with our game and our players.
  5. We will always treat you well.
  6. We will continue to update/improve the game for as long as we are taking your money.
  7. We will release the compiled server code if we shut the game down.
  8. No copy protection required.
  9. We respect your privacy
  10. Our minimum specs are that, not a dead-end.
  11. If you find a bug in our game we thank you not attack you.

Principe Fondamental n°15[ | ]

Les étirements, c’est bon pour le corps, mais attention à ne pas trop en faire !

Publié : 12 février 2014

Résumé : Here, Mark lays out why Stretch Goals are an important part of any crowdfunded game, and explains how CSE will deal with them for Camelot Unchained, "now and forever."

  • Rule #1 - Don't add stretch goals to the game unless they add something the majority would liket o see
  • Rule #2 - Don't over promise just to raise additional funding.
  • Rule #3 - Don't promise stretch goals that require adding a lot of new people too quickly
  • Rule #4 - Don't be like a horse wearing blinders when laying out a stretch goal.
  • Rule #5 - Don't continue to add new stretch goals even if the donations are continuing to rise
  • Rule #6 - Don't try to fit everything in for launch.
  • Rule #7 - Never forget what you said to the backers when the first sought funding.

Principaux messages qui ont trait aux principes fondamentaux[ | ]

1) Top Ten Questions - Top Ten Questions. Here, Mark addresses some questions about the project, including the ever-popular question regarding Realm Ranks.

2) Clear as Mudd - Clear as Mudd. Here, Mark resorts to "one of his favorite things in the multiverse," using a movie reference to answer some additional questions regarding Realm Ranks.

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